On the morning of February 19, 2020, I woke up in a tent after camping near Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park. The temperature dipped into the mid 20s that night, and getting out of my sleeping bag was difficult. Amongst me were members of an illustrious group of photographers loosely known as the Stud Puffins, or maybe f/9 (I’m not really sure what name we decided on). This was the group’s third photography trip which began in Iceland in 2018, Eastern Washington in 2019, and now California in 2020. One goal of the trip was to get a good group photo, which we had failed to do on previous trips. The idea to attempt a group shot on Racetrack Playa was tossed out while packing up our campsite, and the below image was the final result. Unknown to us at the time was that the image would serve as a historical timestamp of pre-pandemic life captured in 1/800th of a second.
9 Feet High. L to R: Randy Wiberg, D. Craig Young, Jeremy Leder, Erno Gyetvai, Quinn Kirkland
This image is a group shot in more ways than just the obvious as everyone had a part in creating the composition, camera settings, and modeling. It certainly would not be honest of me to continue without saying that technically I did not even take the photo. Credit for shutter button control goes to Quinn’s wife Sandy, who was brave enough to accompany five dirty guys on a photography trip when showers were limited to the last two nights of a six day trip.
The shot is a single image taken at 16mm, f/8, 1/800 sec, ISO 500. The camera was placed low so it looked like we were jumping higher than we actually were. Once we got the settings and composition correct the rest of the execution was simply a couple dozen simultaneous jumps while Sandy held down the shutter button. Throughout the making of this shot there was not one second when any of the participants were taking things seriously, and we all thought it was completely absurd. It was perfect.
I’m not sure who came up with the image title 9 Feet High, but I know it wasn’t me. While the group is clearly jumping high into the air, it’s also true there are five dudes but only nine feet. A double-entendre sure to be shocking to the politically correct unless you actually have met Erno, which I encourage everyone to do.
After grabbing our group shot we spent a few more days shooting different locations in Death Valley and the Eastern Sierras, then I flew out of Reno back to Madison, WI. Once we all got home the full weight of the COVID pandemic hit us right in the face. The downtime of the past year has given me the opportunity to upgrade my camera gear, edit photos, and stay healthy for the next adventure of The Stud Puffins. Hopefully Glacier NP June 2021!